Monday, May 11, 2009

100 Pounds

In my first post I said that I'm not a product of my environment. I admit that my current place in this world probably has a lot to do with who I came from. I think that I should cover my parents. So first, my dad:

My fathers name was Lucian Duarte. He grew up in Mexico on a farm in Sonora, born into a family of Yaqui indians. He knew how to speak Yaqui. I even got to see him speak it at an indian pow-wow he took me to in upstate New York when I was 10. 

The photo above is not my dad, it's a Yaqui deer dancer from Sonora.

Lucian lived with his mom, sister Conception, and younger brother Alvaro. His dad was killed in a farming accident when he was young. Lucian had no chioce but to take his place as the head of the family. His mom, brother, and sister became his responsibility. Lucian worked like a dog with his best friend Manuel for a couple years, farming. 

One day Manuel told Lucian that he was able to get a job for some local gangsters that would pay them a lot more then they could normally make working their asses off. Of course Manny was able to get Lucian in on the deal.

Lucian and Manny began work as collectors for the Mafia. They had to get pretty rough with some people every once in a while, but made lots of money doing it. To Lucian, being able to support his family was the most important thing, nothing he did mattered as long as his family had everything they needed. Manny on the other hand, was working for Manny. He wanted to have everything to himself, and was getting into drugs, but it wouldn't last.

Lucian was called to meet the mafia boss one day. Lucian was a good worker and made lots of money for the boss. The boss wanted him to continue working for him, but as a hitman instead. He offered the position to Lucian, promising him more money then him and his family could spend. Lucian told him he would take the position, and also asked if Manuel would also be offered this work. The boss told him that Manuel wasn't going to be made hitman because he was stealing money and getting high all the time. The boss told Lucian that he would have to kill Manny. 

I don't know if Lucian was heartless when he killed his best friend, but he was able to show his employers that he would do anything asked of him.

This isn't my dad, just a picture I found online.

Lucian didn't stop there. He continued to be a cold blooded murderer (I will write about some of the murders he commited) while transporting countless plane loads of drugs into the United States.

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